Capitalight's Blue Lake project has Copper and Nickel and Platinum and Palladium and Magnesium and Gold
Capitalight's Blue Lake project hosts Copper, Nickel and PGE mineralization associated with ultramafic intrusions. Our company consolidated all of the La Fosse Platine historical deposit with exploration project formerly referred to as Retty Lake. We refer to the combined project as Blue Lake.
Many metals make better mines. Our project is at surface. It already has more than four million tonnes of historically identified high grade ore. Capitalight now plans to explore in hope of quadrupling or better the tonnage.
Critical metals mineralization of this type is economically important at other locations in Northern Quebec and Labrador: Vale's operating Voisey Bay Mine hosts some 140MT of resource grading 1.59% Ni and 0.85% Cu; and Glencore's Raglan Mine where some 44MT at 2.51% Ni, 1.96 % Cu and 0.05% Co are currently being mined.

Potentially Massive Strike Length: Our claims cover more than 300 square kilometers of the Labrador Trough, a major geologic feature that is some 1,600 km long, 160 km wide and which has produced more than 2 billion tonnes of iron ore and hosts major Cu Ni mines, deposits and prospects.
We are located in Mining country: Quebec Canada is one of the world's best jurisdictions for both exploration and mining. In fact the nearest town to Blue Lake was built by an iron mining company in the 1950's. That company also built the hydroelectric dam and the railway which takes ore to port.
High-Grade Historical deposit: Copper and Nickel mineralization have been outlined through drilling and underground exploration via an adit at Blue Lake. Previous operators reported a historical resource of 4.83 million tons at 0.85% Cu, 0.52% Ni, 0.84g/t Pt+Pd. Locally grades up to 4.03g/t Pt, 16.5g/t Pd, 2.94% Cu, and 0.12% Ni have been noted.
Money goes into the ground: The Quebec and Canadian governments combined offer great tax credits to explore. The Capitalight team owns circa 50% of all shares, which means the priority is success.
Infrastructure: Blue lake is 65 kilometers from Schefferville. Some of that distance already has a gravel road. The majority of the remaining distance is over lakes which are frozen more than 6 months each year. Heavy surface transport from railhead to exploration site has already been accomplished.
The historical deposits are among exploration priorities. As of May 2023 all the references mapped below are 100% owned by Capitalight.

This image of the Labrador Trough is from a 2015 government report which depicts copper in the soil. Note that Capitalight exploration claims are best positioned. This data is why recently we tripled our claims package.
The government report is linked HERE.

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IC Capitalight Corp. operates as a merchant bank that pursues value-based investment opportunities in accordance with its internal investment policies. The Company provides shareholders with long-term capital growth by investing in a portfolio of private company investments and mineral exploration properties that are expected to generate positive cash flows.
Capitalight owns and operates Capitalight Research, which publishes weekly and monthly subscription-based research focused on the gold and silver commodity prices, Canadian preferred shares, bonds and economics. Our clients, which range from global mining companies to institutional wealth managers, use our proprietary research to inform their investment decisions, capital allocation decisions, treasury operations and business risk assessments.